Red tide during quarantine

The red tide showed up a few days ago in San Diego. This is a phenomenon when there is a ton of ocean algae. The microorganisms are called algal blooms. They turn the ocean a muddy red in the day and a vibrant blue at night. I couldn't get any footage at night because I don't have the equipment, but the pictures here are before and during red tide, both from Sunset Cliffs.

Staying 6 feet away from everyone other than my two quarantined companions, we got to witness the waves light up like fireworks.

We went to Sunset Cliffs where it was crazy busy. To get away from other viewers, we followed the farthest trails on the left. We found the perfect spot where the cars' lights from the street did not interfere and the noisy crowds could not reach us.

Venus shined bright, right next to the moon on the right, while we watched the waves burn. It was one of the most spectacular events I've seen. I can best describe it as the blue flames you see when you burn rubbing alcohol.

The waves crashed with this luminescent blue color, super bright. The experience got even better when three surfers paddled out and caught waves. Every arm stroke stood out against the dark sea because the algae lights up when disturbed. Their boards were outlined by the vibrant blue color, and then the surfers would disappear once they settled to wait for a wave.

As soon as they caught one, they would turn into a black silhouette against the glowing waves. It was incredible to watch, very exhilarating.

It was like magic.

New summit completed!


Zion National Park: DAY FOUR