Embody the Pura Vida

You know it’s going to be an adventure full of fun when the three-hour bus ride to your house is with 18 of your best friends and bags flying everywhere. After that winding night ride, we all settled into our house, excited for the next two days jammed packed with activities...in Costa Rica!

Day 1 – White Water Rafting and Natural Hot Springs 

Bright eyed on day one, we literally jumped straight in, straight into the Toro River! 

In groups of four we took off, speeding down the river and launching over the white-water caps, our instructor shouting out directions and giving us high fives with his paddle.   

I tried to take advantage of the calm moments and tranquil water by looking at the overarching trees touching each other across the bank while iguanas bathed on the branches. And then off we went, loving the thrill of water spraying into our faces as we crashed through the rapids!  

When we wrapped up the excursion, the instructors flipped over the tubes and cut up a surplus of pineapples, mangos, oranges and watermelon. I don’t know if we were starving or if our senses were heightened, but that was the best fruit ever. I’m going to go with the fact that the fruit was most likely local, making it superior.  

Back at the rafting camp, we all ate a traditional lunch of rice, beans, meat and vegetables, and headed off to our next destination: Paradise 

Walking into these natural hot springs really did feel like paradise. The plants and trees reached up to the sky and little paved paths led you through to where nature opened up and revealed turquoise pools full of steaming water.

We could've relaxed there all day in the beautiful pools.

After basking in the forest at the foot of the Arenal Volcano for hours, we got to feast on a delicious meal at the best rated restaurant in town. It was the best way to wrap up our first full day in Costa Rica!  

Day 2 – Waterfall Repelling and Jungle Zip Lining 

And the trip wasn’t over yet! Our Sunday, my birthday, was exhilarating.

First thing in the morning, we headed out into the jungle to a large facility where they took us on our next adventure – waterfall repelling! We suited up in harnesses and jumped off the edge!   
Not really, but we did suit up, strap in, and jump down backwards off a rock ledge with a waterfall to our right. Pretty epic.  

Some in the group were scared of heights, and to be honest, it made me nervous as I watched members of our group disappear over the edge of the waterfall. You didn’t get to see over the ledge until it was your turn and you are faced forward with the open drop to your backside.  But as soon as I pushed off the edge, I was thrilled.

Repelling down the rock face with this beautiful, roaring waterfall next to me snatched my breath away, when suddenly I was underneath said waterfall getting completely soaked!  I panicked, thinking I lost control while I got pummeled by the rushing water. I looked down and saw our guides laughing as they pulled my lead line into the falls to soak me again. I laughed as I jumped down the rest of the way totally drenched.   

The rest of the descents were all unique. The next one was a straight free-fall into a pool of water where I came out shocked from the drop, and then I hiked through the lush jungle to the next ones. One lowered you between two rock walls with a waterfall view, and at the end of the trip, the last repel was one huge jump off the rock wall taking you clear to the bottom.  

Spiked with adrenaline, we loaded up into our bus to the next adventure, zip lining!  There is just something about being strapped to a massive metal cable and flying over the rain forest. I could’ve done it all day!  

The third line we went down was my favorite, if I had to pick one, because the forest opened up to reveal a large clearing at the base of the famous, local waterfall, La Fortuna. Time slowed down as I raced over the open space with a perfect view of the waterfall nestled in jungle.   

The other zip lines varied between speed and distance, but they all kept my eyes bright and trained on the green canopy as I flew over. A quick, tropical rain pelted me on the last line which was a funny way to go out.  

At the end, we got to view some native art which was all so vibrant, and we got to go into a butterfly enclosure which I loved. That night we had a chef prepare a fantastic dinner at our Air BnB. His name was Chef Scott and he owns a couple businesses in the area. This multiple course dinner was outstanding.  

My friends made my birthday even more special by singing to me on the bus and buying birthday décor for the house. I think it’s obvious that my 24th birthday rocked. It was so incredible, I had the best day.   

Headed Home 

On our last day, we packed up, cleaned house and took off on the three-hour drive to the airport. As the green scenery flew by, I couldn’t help but replay all the memories we had made. Even the small perfect moments like spotting sloths and iguanas, playing sand volleyball at the house, viewing the stunning plants and living with my friends turned family. The best part was getting to be with them in this wondrous place going on epic adventures. I would do it again in a heartbeat.


Croatia Core Memories


Experiencing Fire and Ice