Life's Big Adventure

Everyone is on a journey right now, and mine took me away from this platform for a little bit. I have been experiencing many new places and people as I make my way into another phase of my life.

Here is a brief summary to catch you up to speed and in line with my big life adventure.

I touched base with you last in Pennsylvania and since then I have somehow found a surprising home in Arizona. To encapsulate my solo trip across America in one post would be to leave out some bread crumbs I dropped along the way, but I want to share some significant moments. 

Waving goodbye to my supportive and loving family in Maryland, I embarked on my multiple day journey. After a calming drive through the hours of densely packed greenery, I made it to Tennessee which I left in the morning to continue driving to Oklahoma City. Once I hit Oklahoma, the greenery thinned into sparsely vegetated land; there was not much to look at. A restful night helped me through another long day of driving, reaching Albuquerque, New Mexico. The last two legs of the journey took me through Phoenix and finally to San Diego.

I learned along the way Arkansa has 52 state parks and there are Cadillacs buried in Texas. I had never been to most of the states I drove through and stopped in, which let me experience places I never thought I would get to. 

Driving solo across the country was an incredible experience for me that I would do again in a heartbeat. Sometimes I would listen to one song for three hours of the drive and other times listen to podcasts about crime and mental health. 

This was a growing moment for me that I will always be thankful for.

At the end of this long drive, I settled in Arizona where I work full time and adventure as much as possible. I will continue posting, and I'm excited to share my fresh life adventures with you, big and small. 

Keep following along this wild ride!

Highest Peak in Arizona?


Exploring Caves in PA